Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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*** Master Cache V2.77 ***
Copyright (c) 1992,1993
Made by: Daniel Carl Gouthro
Created at October 12,1992
Updated at October 28,1993
It is best disk caching system for ATARI ST,Mega ST,STe,Mega STe and
TT and Falcon! It support any logical size up to 8192 bytes per sector,
write delay caching,TOS buffers configuration for TOS V1.4 or higher,
FAT/DIR priority option,many other features you can't refuse to accept
this program!!! It is DEMO version of Master Cache V2.77 that can be
upgraded to full registered version by enter the password. See end
of text about how to register this copy. BONUS: Master Cache V2.77
just like ICD will WORK on TT and Falcon,too!
NOTE: Write delay cache will NOT report any errors most of the time.
Because of it,you should not cache these floppy disks if they are write
protected. These disks allow you to update files or directory but will
not be written to the disk. If you like to cache the disks,you must
not write protect the disks!!! But however it will report any errors if
you disable write delay cache flag.
Installing your Master cache program
You can install Master cache program on boot floppy disk or hard
disk where you like to install. You must place the program CACHE.PRG
into AUTO folder then re-boot the computer. It will install by itself
and start to cache the disk(s) which is being cached. You can see
the information during booting the computer.
Configurating your Master cache program
It is MOST advanced features you will take advangtes is configuring
your Master cache program. It is called CACHECFG.TOS. It also include
password upgrade module in it.
You can put CACHECFG.TOS into any folder but must be reside on same
disk as CACHE.PRG is. However,if you have hard disk,you can put CACHECFG.PRG
on any partitions,even not in C: at all.
When you run this program,it will ask you to choose floppy disk or
hard disk to configure for. Press A or C to continue. If you receive
opening the file error,don't despair! It mean you do not have configuration
file called DANCACHE.DAT file. It will automatically select default
configuration and make new serial number by itself. It will put you
into DEMO version. Remember to save configuration file immediately if
you get new serial number.
Main menu has many commands you will LOVE to! Choose any letters
you like.
Change drives to be cached - This will configure which drives to be
cached. If you press A,it will toggle drive A: cache flag. If you re-boot
and these drive which is not flagged will be bypassed and goes normally
to the disk without cached. If these drives is flagged,it will be cached.
Password - This will let you enter the password to upgrade to full
version. See end of text for more detail(s).
Save configuration - This will save configuration file to selected
drive you chosen at beginning of the program. It will also save validated
full version module to same drive.
Quit - This will quit the program. It will ask you if you like to
save configuration file before quitting.
Change cache block and sector size - This will allow you to configure
cache size.
Cache block is number of cache blocks, each block hold number of
sectors which is cached. You can enter number of cache block from
1 to 1024. Sector blocks is sector size per cache block. You can
enter number of sectors per cache block from 1 to 128. If you
select 1 on sectors,each sector the disk read will be cached if
possible. Performance will be affected by this option. You can
experiment with these to find best performance.
Change maximum number of sectors to be cached - This will allow you to
change maximum sectors to be cached. If disk read or write exceed this
maximum sectors length then the cache system will be bypassed for this
operation. Most time,you should enter 150% of sector block into this
number to give best performance. If you have 8 sectors per cache block
then you enter 12 on this number. If you have floppy disk,you can enter
4 times of sector block on this number to speed up disk operation.
There is no obligation to enter any number other than recommanded,you
can reduce the performance if you set too small or too much.
Change TOS buffers - This will allow you to change TOS buffers upon
booting the computer. It is only useful for TOS V1.4 or higher owners!
TOS V1.0 and V1.2 users can change any number higher than 0 but it simply
allocate the memory and allocated memory is lost (wasted!). TOS V1.4 or
higher owners can set data buffers or FAT/DIR buffers any number from
0 to 255. 0 will disable each buffers. TOS V1.0 and V1.2 users should
always set both buffers to 0. This feature allow TOS V1.4 or higher
users can remove CACHEXXX.PRG provided by ATARI Corp.
Change write delay time - This will allow you to adjust time it
will take before write to the disk will occur. It is useful only if
write caching is enabled. You can set from 0.5 to 99.9 seconds.
You should wait after last operation for seconds depend you configured
before it will be written into the disk before you remove the disk from
the drive. Removing the disk before it is written could damage the disk!
Change maximum logical size - This will let you change maximum
logical size. The sub-menu appear and you will select number that
match bytes per sector you want. If you have 512 bytes per sector,you
select 9. Any partition that exceed maximum logical size will not be
cached. NOTE: If you have set up TOS buffers,you must select maximum
logical sector to match largest logical size on any partition you have.
On Master Cache V2.76 or later,you can set logical sector size for EACH
cache AND TOS buffers. You can set cache size to smaller and set TOS
buffer larger. NOTE: The cache will automatically be bypassed if hard
disk partition has larger sector size than cache sector size but TOS
buffers is NOT bypassed so you must set TOS buffer to be largest logical
size possible as any LARGEST partition on your hard disk. Example if C:
has 512 bytes and D: has 1024 bytes,you must set TOS buffer to 1024
bytes per sector or the system will crash when you try to access D:.
Change cache flags - This is most important you will use.
Write delay cache flag is the switch that you will "cache"
write operations. If you enable this,all write operation will be
cached and the timer will automatically be activated when you
re-boot the computer. If there is write pending flagged on cache
block then it will be written on the disk after the time expire.
NOTE: Write delay cache will not report any errors from any disk!
FAT/DIR priority flag is the switch that FAT/DIR will more
likely to be cached more than the data. If you disable this,FAT/DIR
will be treated as the data. If you enable this,FAT/DIR will be
cached as maximum priority. If you enable this as "SUPER",FAT/DIR
will be cached as one level higher than maximum priority and will
less likely to be flushed when all data is at maximum priority and
no more cache block left for new sector to be read. If you enable
this as "LOCKED",FAT/DIR will be cached and can't be flushed unless
all cache blocks have FAT/DIR. You must set FAT/DIR priority flag
to be NORMAL ENABLED if you want best performance on TOS V1.0 and V1.2.
You do not need this if you have TOS V1.4 or higher but you can
enable this if you like higher performance.
Change maximum priority list - This will let you change maximum
number of priority list. If you set to 4 then there will be 4
priority lists each cache block. If you set to 8 then there will
be 8 priority lists each cache block. More priority list will give
any sector which bearing highest priority will stay in the cache
for much longer time. Best performance is about 4 to 8.
Change cache age delay time length - This will let you adjust
cache age delay time length. This is most important for the people
who switch from big application to another application which involve
big disk activity such Lattice C V5.5,Style V1.1 load/save many
pictures,many other program(s). When the time expire on age delay
time you specified,it will cause lower all older cache block's priority
so allow new recent data will be loaded into older cache block and
flush older data. Next time,you access recent data,it will be read
from the cache likely. It is most useful when all cache blocks are
filled up with old high priority data from same disk. It will allow
you to set from 3.0 to 499.9 seconds. You can enter 0 to disable this
feature. NOTE: This feature will NOT lower FAT/DIR priority if you
set FAT/DIR priority to SUPER or LOCKED.
NEW! Version 2.76 feature - media change check - This will let you
enable or disable media change. Default is ENABLED. If it is enabled,
when media change occur (disk is changed or disk tool forced media
change) then all cache blocks are flushed and invalidated except
any block that are still write pending. Write pending block will
still be written only if media change occur and you do not change
the disk. You must ENABLE media change check if you cache floppy
disk or removeable hard disk. This will prevent damages to the disk
that are changed. You can disable this only if you cache fixed hard
disk. It will cache more sectors but will not check if the disk is
changed. Use with extreme caution if you disable media change check.
I am strongly recommand you to wait for seconds you specified for
all write pending operation will be written to the disk before you
change the disk or use disk tool such disk editor or disk optimizer.
NEW! Version 2.76 feature - precaching - This will let you to
configurate pre-cache features. There are two settings you can edit.
Pre-caching blocks is number of blocks the cache will pre-cache from
selected drives when cache program (AUTO folder) is run. Setting this
blocks to 0 to disable pre-caching. Pre-caching drive is the drive
you want to pre-cache. You can pre-cache only ONE drive at a time.
You can choose A to P for this. If you select C: as pre-caching,it
will speed up AUTO programs AFTER cache program is run. It is useful
for older TOS users (pre-TOS V1.4). You should not set pre-caching
blocks exceeding number of cache blocks you defined or it will
simply slow down processing and flush older data from the cache.
Change the switch during the session
This option in configuration program let you change your cache switches
during cache is in progess. If you try to access it by press 'O' and
the cache is not installed,the error message will appear. You must have
the cache installed before you can use this option. The cookie is used
by Master Cache V2.77. It is called 'CACH' cookie name. It bears base
address that configuration program can modify internally in the memory.
This option also give you brief information about cache statastic(s).
Change write cache flag and FAT/DIR priority flags are same effect
as above except it will take effect immediately. NEW! Media change
check flag are same effect as above except toggle media check immediately.
Change drives to be cached does same thing as above except this
will toggle drive to be cached immediately instead of re-booting. It
also flush any cached blocks that match drive letter you toggled.
Change age delay time length does same thing as above except this
feeling will take effect immediately.
The statistic will give you useful information about the cache
performance. These statistic will be displayed right when you access
this area.
Read Block is number of read blocks TOS access to the disk.
Read Cached is number of read blocks which already in the cache.
% Performance is how the cache performance "feeling".
Write Cache is same statistic as above. Write Cached is writing
the block is already in the cached and will be written as soon as
the timer expired (the time taken after last operation of accessing
the disks). NOTE: It is also counted even if write delay cache is
DISABLED,it mean it will cache these blocks at next read access.
It is called write through cache unless write delay cache is enabled.
NOTE: Read block and Write block will not be counted if the disk access
exceed maximum sectors length to be cached.
There is an option to view more detailed information about the cache.
Press X to get detailed information on EACH cache block! It will give you
each cache block about drive number,starting sector number,priority
and write pending. If there are more than 16 cache blocks,you can press
any key to continue to next page of detailed cache information.
NOTE: If cache block is empty or not valid,DIRTY/INVALIDATED/UNUSED
message will appear beside cache block number.
Registering Master Cache program
DEMO version of Master Cache will allow you to cache the disk at very
limited performance. You are limited to 16K cache block(s) or so. You are
not allowed to use any other features such TOS buffers,write caching,
FAT/DIR priority,etc... However,you are allowed to use drives to be
cached can be configured (Toggle the drives to be cached).
If you like to register this copy,send me $15 registration fee and
wait for the password to arrive. You can send the cheque or money order.
Do NOT send the cash! The cash is easily be stolen in the mail.
Sending the cheques or money order ($15) to me along with your
serial number to:
Mr. Daniel Carl Gouthro
42 Pinson Private
Ottawa,Ontario (CANADA)
K1V 0E6
Be sure,you must give me your name and your address or I can't able
to give your password! You must also send me your serial number,too!
After you sent your cheque or money order for the password,DO NOT
DELETE DANCACHE.DAT file!!! It contain valuable serial number in it
and it is valid only for the password you get. The password will WORK
only with the serial number in DANCACHE.DAT which you sent me serial
After you got the password and registered it,you will enjoy FULL
benefits of Master Cache program - BEST disk caching system for ATARI
ST computer!!!
Last minute update to this document:
Master Cache V2.77 are fully support media change recgonize and
will automatically re-read from the disk after the disk is changed.
NOTE: You MUST not cache floppy disks if you are backing up
with diamond program,toolkit program or disk editing such DLII or
other disk editor. These programs bypass operating system and directly to
the disks. But you can cache hard disk since they must use operating
system to order to access hard disk. It will force your master cache
to flush the cache.
You can cache ICD hard disk with Master Cache V2.77,even if ICD
caching is enabled. However,I am strongly recommand you disable both
ICD read cache and write cache. However,you can keep write verify
enabled since Master Cache V2.77 do not have write verify feature.
Enabling cache on BOTH ICD and Master Cache V2.77 will take much
more memory than needed! You can choose ICD or Master Cache if
you wish to. You need Master Cache program if you have any hard disk
other than ICD (SCSI) and you do not have ICD host adapter.
You can still use FOLDRXXX.PRG to expand the folder since Master
Cache V2.77 do not have folder expander because there is no documented
system variable for the folder. There are documented system variable
for cache and TOS buffers only. I will try to collect undocumented
system variable for expanding folder and I hope I will include it in
future versions.
*** Master Cache V2.76 Upgrade ***
This is minor bug fix on processor's stack. Earlier version
did corrupt main code during hard disk driver is called but will
not disrupt hard disk operation unless hard disk driver filled up
more than 256 bytes on stack then terrible things will occur and
damage your files on hard disk. Only few programs are victim of this
condition. This bug has been fixed and now handle stack frame correctly.
It has allocated 1024 bytes for stack use but earlier version did not
use it that it should be used.
*** Master Cache V2.77 Upgrade ***
There is two bugs in Master Cache V2.76. One bug allowed you to get
more cache when you are in DEMO version. It has been fixed. One another bug
is media change check which caused formatting to fail at end of cycle (on
floppy disk). It has been fixed. Also media change check had been tighted.
Now media change check is ALWAYS work with every disk inserted.
One changes made into Master Cache V2.77 is write delay cache will not
WRITE to floppy disk or any disk that are changed to prevent corruption
to new floppy disk inserted into the drive. Though,your previous disk
which is removed before being written are corrupted.
* BONUS * This demo version cache memory limit has been increased from
8K to 16K!
I am not responsible for any damages done to any floppy disks or
hard disks or other drives as result of use,misuse or abuse of this
program. I will not be liable for any damages you caused with this
program. This program is a copyrighted and you can give away to any
people or upload to BBS if you like but you MUST not sell this program.
You are *NOT* allowed to give away or upload your program if your
program is a registered version. If you plan to give away,you can do by
give everything away except DANCACHE.DAT file. You must keep DANCACHE.DAT
file strictly personal. Your password is also strictly confidential!
I have extensive tested my Master Cache V2.77 and found it worked
perfectly on all hard disks without any one gitches! You can try Master
Cache and you will find no gitches at all. However it is ABSOLUTELY
no warranty of this Master Cache program.
I am working on COMMERCIAL version of Master Cache and will release
soon. I did not get an application from New Deminision company yet.
There is lists of features for COMMERCIAL version not in shareware
o Write verify operation with adjustable verify buffer
o Write protect on any drives you define
o Each drive own write delay switch instead of global switch.
o Printed manual with reference
o MUCH more!!!
Made by:
Daniel Carl Gouthro
I am Master programming in C (Natural Master Level 46). I am near
Doctor programming in C and assembly language. I am currently wearing
big blue-black-blue hood and it are getting bigger and bigger....
and change color toward the purple slowly!
Natural Master levels is far more than mountain master but
less than doctor level. Doctor level's hood is Biggest pink-purple-pink
hood with the silk. (D.C.S.!)